Your New Focus Starts Now

Connect with HSE-recognised ADHD specialists that guide you towards clarity and improved focus.

Why Get an Assessment?

Discovering ADHD in yourself or a loved one is about more than managing symptoms; it's about unlocking a pathway to a more fulfilled life. A precise diagnosis offers personalised strategies to dramatically improve both personal and professional areas.

Improve Performance: Implement ADHD-specific strategies to excel in educational and professional environments.

Strengthen Relationships: Use enhanced communication skills to deepen connections in all areas of your life.

Better Time Management: Embrace personalised planning tools to better manage your time and commitments, easing life's pressures.

Research underscores that adults with an ADHD diagnosis enjoy marked improvements in productivity, quality of life, improved functionality, and a boost in self-esteem. (Source: Pawaskar et al., Journal of Attention Disorders, 2020)

Our Services

Complete ADHD Support

Diagnosis Process for Adults

Step 1 - Book Appointment

Choose a time that suits you best, including evenings and weekends. This flexibility allows you to undergo your assessment without disrupting your regular schedule.

Step 2 - Your ADHD Assessment

Your assessment will take place via a private video call from the comfort of your home, making the process straightforward and confidential.

Step 3 - Ongoing Support

After your diagnosis, you will receive easy-to-use strategies to manage your ADHD. These tools are designed to help you perform better each day and improve your overall wellbeing.

Diagnosis Process for Children & Adolescents

Step 1 - Book Appointment

Pick a time that works for your family, with options available after school and on weekends. This lets you find a time that won't interrupt your child's routine or school.

Step 2 - ADHD Assessment

Your child's assessment will be done through video calls, meaning they can stay comfortable at home. It's easy, private, and set up to make your family feel at ease.

Step 2 - ADHD Assessment

After receiving a diagnosis, we provide referrals to private child psychiatry and additional services to equip families with the knowledge and strategies needed for day-to-day management.

ADHD Now Vs. Others

Online ADHD Diagnosis versus in office ADHD assessment

HSE Recognised Reports


Appointment Within 1 Week


Flexible Scheduling


Nationwide Access


Evening and Weekend Availability


Assessment From Home


Comprehensive Adult Aftercare


Adult Psychiatry (Post Diagnosis)


Multidisciplinary team


Multidisciplinary Team

ADHD Now Clinicians are Trusted Members of
Dr. Vishnu Pradeep

Dr. Vishnu Pradeep

Consultant Psychiatrist with 12 years experience within the HSE and various mental health services. His training spans Trinity College and University College Dublin, underpinning his registration with the Irish Medical Council, the Royal College of Psychiatrists (UK) and the College of Psychiatrists of Ireland.
Dr. Hugo Valente

Dr. Hugo Valente

Clinical Psychologist with over 23 years of experience across a broad range of clinical settings. Committed to providing holistic and tailored psychological support.
Dr. Janice Smith

Dr Janice Smith​

A Chartered Psychologist with an extensive background, her approach is centred on fostering mind-body-spirit harmony. Holds memberships with psychology societies in Ireland, Canada, and the USA, reflecting her commitment to compassionate, culturally informed care.
Michael O’Rourke

Micheal O'Rourke

A Chartered Psychologist with the British Psychological Society and the Psychological Society of Ireland, Micheal is a seasoned clinical leader with an extensive background in clinical psychology program management.

Choose a Service

Taking the first step towards understanding ADHD can transform your life. Our assessments provide the clarity and personalised strategies needed to enhance to manage daily challenges effectively.

Adult ADHD Assessment

Gain Clarity, Achieve Balance

Living with undiagnosed ADHD can be challenging, but it doesn't have to be your norm. Our Adult ADHD Assessment offers a thorough and supportive process to help you understand your symptoms and begin to thrive.

Child ADHD Assessment

Empower Your Child’s Success

Navigating ADHD can be especially challenging for children and their families. Our Child ADHD Assessment is designed to provide a detailed understanding of your child's needs, ensuring they receive the right support.

Pricing & Plans

Navigating the complexities of ADHD can be challenging, but understanding your symptoms shouldn't be.
Explore our flexible options and take the first step towards a better understanding of your ADHD today. Whether you're seeking clarity on potential symptoms or a comprehensive diagnosis, our multidiscplinary team is here to help every step of the way.

General FAQs

What are the steps to get an ADHD diagnosis for adults?
The ADHD diagnosis process for adults consists of three steps: Initial Consultation, Full Clinical Assessment, and Report Presentation and Management Plan. All steps are conducted online for your convenience.
Is a GP referral needed to get an ADHD diagnosis?
No, a GP referral is not mandatory for the ADHD assessment process. Appointments can be booked directly through the website.
How do I book an ADHD assessment?
The initial consultation can be booked online through the website. For further assistance, contact +353 1 270 7906.
Are the services recognised by the HSE?
Yes, all clinicians are professionally qualified and registered with appropriate governing bodies such as the Irish Medical Council (IMC), the College of Psychiatrists of Ireland, and the Psychological Society of Ireland (PSI). ADHD diagnoses are recognised within the Ireland.
Can I use private insurance?
If you have private insurance, the necessary details can be provided to claim on your insurance. It is essential to contact us prior to undertaking any assessments to facilitate this effectively. Speaking with us over the phone is recommended if you intend to claim from your insurance.
Do you provide letters to support accessing Disability Allowance?
Yes, letters can be provided to support accessing Disability Allowance in Ireland. There is an additional fee for this service, as it requires gathering detailed information and providing appropriate evidence to support your case.
How long does it take to complete the ADHD diagnosis process?
The entire ADHD diagnosis process usually takes 3 to 4 weeks from the initial consultation to the final report presentation. People with ADHD may have difficulty focusing on tasks, following through on instructions, and managing their time and emotions. They might also exhibit high levels of energy and activity, often acting without thinking through the consequences. It’s important to understand that ADHD is not a reflection of intelligence or potential; rather, it’s about how the brain processes information and stimuli. While it’s most commonly identified in children, ADHD can present unique challenges in adulthood. With the right support and strategies, individuals with ADHD can lead successful and fulfilling lives, often harnessing their distinctive traits like creativity, enthusiasm, and the ability to think outside the box.
Are the ADHD assessments conducted in person or online?
All consultations and assessments are conducted online, allowing completion from the comfort of your home. Commonly, adults with ADHD experience persistent difficulties with focus, often finding it challenging to concentrate on tasks, stay organised, or follow detailed instructions. They may also display signs of hyperactivity, such as restlessness or an inability to relax, and impulsivity, like making hasty decisions or interrupting others during conversations. Time management can be particularly challenging, leading to missed deadlines or chronic lateness. Adults with ADHD might also struggle with emotional regulation, experiencing quick mood changes, frustration, or sensitivity to stress. It’s important to note that these symptoms can vary in intensity and may not always be immediately apparent, as many adults develop coping mechanisms over time. Recognising these symptoms is crucial for understanding and managing ADHD in adulthood, paving the way for effective strategies to navigate both personal and professional life.
Can medication be prescribed for ADHD once diagnosed?
Yes, once diagnosed, it is possible to consult with a psychiatrist to discuss medication options. In essence, ADD is an outdated term that was once used to describe what we now recognise as a subtype of ADHD. Currently, ADHD is the official, medical term used to describe the condition and it encompasses three primary subtypes: Predominantly Inattentive, Predominantly Hyperactive-Impulsive, and Combined Presentation. The term ADD used to refer specifically to the Predominantly Inattentive subtype, where individuals mainly struggle with attention and concentration without the hyperactive and impulsive behaviours typical of the other subtypes. Over time, the medical community phased out the term ADD in favour of ADHD to more accurately reflect the range of symptoms and behaviours associated with the disorder. Thus, while you may still hear ADD used colloquially, it’s technically a part of the broader category of ADHD.
How do I know if I need an ADHD assessment?
If experiencing symptoms like difficulty concentrating, disorganisation, forgetfulness, or impulsivity, an ADHD assessment can help determine if ADHD is the cause.
How can an ADHD diagnosis help?
An ADHD diagnosis can help understand symptoms and develop strategies to manage them, improving academic, professional, and personal life.
Are online ADHD assessments as effective as in-person assessments?
Yes, online ADHD assessments are just as effective as in-person assessments. Certified psychologists use comprehensive tools and techniques to ensure accurate diagnoses.
Can adults of any age get an ADHD assessment?
Yes, ADHD assessment services are available to adults of all ages. Psychologists have experience diagnosing ADHD in young adults, middle-aged professionals, and seniors.
Can ADHD be managed without medication?
Yes, ADHD can be managed without medication through behavioural therapies, organisational strategies, lifestyle changes, and support from mental health professionals.
Can therapy be chosen instead of medication for ADHD?
Yes, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) sessions are available, focusing on managing ADHD symptoms through behavioural strategies.
How do I know if online ADHD assessment is suitable for me?
Online ADHD assessments are suitable for those who prefer the convenience and comfort of being assessed from home. They are ideal for individuals with busy schedules or those living in remote areas.
How can I support a partner or family member with ADHD?
Support by being patient, understanding, and encouraging. Help establish routines, stay organised, and seek professional help if needed.
Is it common for adults to be diagnosed with ADHD?
Yes, many adults are diagnosed with ADHD, often after recognising symptoms that have persisted since childhood. ADHD can be diagnosed at any age.
What are the benefits of getting an ADHD diagnosis?
Benefits of an ADHD diagnosis include gaining a better understanding of symptoms, accessing appropriate treatments, improving productivity, and enhancing overall quality of life.
Are there situations where assessments are not offered?
Assessments are not offered to individuals under the care of another psychiatrist or attending their community mental health team (CMHT), or individuals with active substance misuse difficulties. Urgent assessments are also not provided.
How does ADHD affect work performance?
ADHD can impact work performance by causing difficulties with time management, organisation, meeting deadlines, and maintaining focus. Proper diagnosis and management strategies can help mitigate these effects.
What should be done if ADHD is suspected?
If ADHD is suspected, seek a professional assessment. Early diagnosis and intervention can help manage symptoms effectively and improve quality of life.
Can stress worsen ADHD symptoms?
Yes, stress can exacerbate ADHD symptoms, making it harder to focus, stay organised, and manage tasks. Learning stress management techniques can help reduce the impact on ADHD symptoms.
How do I explain my ADHD diagnosis to my employer?
When explaining your ADHD diagnosis to your employer, focus on how it affects your work and what accommodations or strategies can help improve performance. Be honest and proactive about your needs.
Can I still be successful with ADHD?
Absolutely. Many individuals with ADHD are highly successful. With the right strategies, treatments, and support, strengths can be leveraged and symptoms managed effectively.
Can ADHD symptoms change over time?
Yes, ADHD symptoms can change over time. While hyperactivity may decrease with age, inattention and impulsivity can persist or become more noticeable in adulthood.
How does ADHD affect adults differently than children?
In adults, ADHD often manifests as difficulty with time management, organisation, and maintaining focus on tasks. Adults may also experience challenges in their professional and personal relationships.
How can I improve my focus with ADHD?
Improving focus with ADHD can involve setting clear goals, breaking tasks into smaller steps, using timers, minimising distractions, and implementing organisational tools and techniques.
What are the common symptoms of ADHD in adults?
Common symptoms of ADHD in adults include inattention, hyperactivity, impulsivity, disorganisation, forgetfulness, and difficulty managing time and tasks.